Monday, March 12, 2018

Black Panther #1, Wrinkle in Time #2

For the weekend of March 9-11, 2018, Black Panther wins once again, dropping a mere 38% in its 4th week. It's currently the 7th highest domestic grossing movie ever (21st on the worldwide list).

Is this the first time in history that the top two movies at the box office had African American directors? A Wrinkle in Time did well but was no match for Panther. Perhaps mixed reviews damaged its Saturday/Sunday intake. It's currently at 45% at Rotten Tomatoes.

A handful of other poorly reviewed movies also splashed into theaters. Strangers: Prey at Night is a sequel that should have come out five years ago. Gringo felt like a cashed-in favor by everyone involved. The Hurricane Heist looked like a Syfy movie that they threw on to the big screen as a joke.

Best Picture winner The Shape of Water went back into theaters, but it looks like whoever was going to see it has already seen it.

The Death of Stalin did well in limited release.

Opens March 16
TOMB RAIDER with Alicia Vikander, Walton Goggins and Dominic West.
LOVE SIMON with Nick Robinson, Jennifer Garner and Josh Duhamel.
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE with Dennis Quaid, J. Michael Finley and Cloris Leachman.

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