Just Okay:
Despicable Me 2
The Heat
Lee Daniels' The Butler
Monsters University
Pacific Rim
Star Trek into Darkness
This is the End
Good but not in my top 20:

August: Osage County
Blue Jasmine
The Croods
Dallas Buyers Club
Ender's Game
The Great Gatsby
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Inside Llewyn Davis
Iron Man 3
Out of the Furnace
The Place Beyond the Pines
Side Effects
Thor: The Dark World
Warm Bodies
What Maisie Knew
The Wolverine
The World's End
Honorable Mention:
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - I almost put it in my Second Best Ten list, but I can't get over how distracting and blatant the product placement was for E-Harmony, Papa John's and Cinnabun. It felt like Ben Stiller was striving for something that would be artistic yet mainstream, which is what makes that aspect so disappointing. Otherwise it's beautiful and makes me want to visit Iceland.
My Second Best Ten
(11-20, alphabetical):
Blackfish - This indictment of SeaWorld is tightly paced and a disturbing examination of how such confining captivity helped turn an orca into a serial killer.
The Conjuring - The best scary movie in a long time.
Her - Quirky, offbeat look at what our technology-saturated near-future may look like, about a man who falls in love with his artificially-intelligent operating system. It's as if Joaquin Phoenix never took two years off to pretend he was crazy.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - Francis Lawrence wound up being the right director to pick and carry the ball that started with Gary Ross. It's more focused, the action's better, the world's a little more realized, and even though the second book isn't as good as the first book, the second movie is better than the first movie.
Lone Survivor - A movie that's pro-soldier without being pro-war. This true story gives us a you-are-there feel to an Afghan operation gone wrong, with an unflinching look at just how hard it is to kill a man.
Philomena - What could have been a BBC TV-movie is elevated by the performances and chemistry of Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. It's not as simple as it may seem on the surface.
Saving Mr. Banks - It has more gravitas than the marketing would suggest, with several flashbacks to Colin Farrell as P.L. Travers' loving, fatally flawed father. It's not just about the conflict of collaboration and protecting an artist's vision, but about forgiving those we love. Emma Thompson should have been nominated for her work as Travers. Yeah, it took liberties with Travers and Walt Disney, but for what it actually is, I was touched.
The Wolf of Wall Street - This 3-hour tribute to amorality keeps growing on me. Martin Scorsese is in prime Goodfellas mode, but instead of mobsters, we follow brokers, who can be just as heartless and dangerous. Leonardo DiCaprio is ferocious in the role of Jordan Belfort, a remorseless s.o.b. who lied and cheated his way into millions of dollars. Good luck to the ClearPlay filter people keeping this longer than an hour.

You're Next - It may look like a typical home-invasion thriller from afar, but the filmmakers have more in mind, with sibling rivalry that doesn't pause even as people start dying, and one character who isn't who she seems once push comes to shove. One of the funnier movies I saw last year.
And now...
... my Top Ten
10. FROZEN - Disney Animation has stepped up its quality lately, and this is no exception. It's a full-on musical, and rather than be about a girl, a boy, and a villain, the story centers around two sisters, and the problems that arise when one has the power to turn everything cold. The soundtrack's good, the cast is great (for their voice quality rather than their marquee value), and while we may know where it will "end" end, it takes an unexpected turn or two to get there. Pixar can be Pixar, but Disney animation has lately rediscovered its own voice.
9. THE ACT OF KILLING - This is one of those documentaries that feels like it could help change the course of a nation's history. Reforms are underway in Indonesia, but this project started years before those began. Director Joshua Oppenheimer dared get in with some of the mass-murderers from the 1965 uprising that resulted in over 1 million deaths, and had since been whitewashed by that nation. It really felt like what Germany might be like in the 1980's if the Nazis had won.

Half of the crew is Anonymous, undoubtedly for fear of reciprocity from the men in power, most of whom have zero remorse and zero conscience about what they did. But good luck to Indonesia.
8. UPSTREAM COLOR - This experimental montage of a film worked for me, as I don't think this story could be told any other way. Writer/director Shane Carruth has gone to strange lengths in this metaphor for connections we have in life. Its elliptical narrative keeps the surface plot ambiguous, and to make it any clearer would damage the effect.
7. FRUITVALE STATION - I can think of no better way of honoring Oscar Grant III's life on film than by just showing a slice of his life, a normal, imperfect man trying to do right by his daughter, not knowing that he has less than 24 hours to live due to a stupid, overzealous cop. Writer/director Ryan Coogler is a talent to watch, and I'm glad this role is going to lead to bigger and better things for Michael B. Jordan.

5. MUD - This coming-of-age drama in the rural South from Jeff Nichols evokes a Twain-like ability to comment on the complexity of adult behavior through the eyes of trusting youth. This movie invites you to take off your boots and sit a spell, soaking in the atmosphere while never being dull. Matthew McConaughey once again gives a good performance as a man being chased by his past, and the film has a lot to say about the power and fragility of love.

3. CAPTAIN PHILLIPS - Tom Hanks may have two Oscars for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump, but I think is the best role of his career. Amazed that he missed out on getting nominated. Director Paul Greengrass's urgent style compliments the tense proceedings.
2. GRAVITY - I hope you saw it in 3D on the biggest screen possible. This isn't a film to watch on an iPad. Director Alfonso Cuaron makes us feel like we're floating in space next to Sandra Bullock. It's a very basic tale of survival where everything that can go wrong does, but in an age where the quality of television looked like it might surpass film, Cuaron reminds us why movies still rule.

Here are mine. You'll notice that I have 3 movies from 2012 in there, and thats because I didn't see them until 2013. So at the end of my list I've put my alternatives. Also, my list isn't based on anything other that the fact that these are the movies I liked the best, and not for any other reason. I didn't base it on best direction, cinematic quality, screenplay, and acting ability. I choose them because how much I lost myself from my own miseries from when I went in compared to how I felt coming out of the movie.
Anyway, My Top Ten Of 2013
01: 42•••••
02: Oblivion•••••
03: RUSH•••••
04: Lincoln•••••
05: Jack Reacher••••
06: Fast & The Furious VI••••
07: Iron Man III••••
08: Kick-Ass 2••••
09: World War Z••••
10: Django Unchained••••
11: Inside Llewyn Davis - December 2013••••
12: Iceman, The - July 2013•••
13: Now You See Me - June 2013••••
14: RED II - July 2013••••
15: Wolverine, The - July 2013••••
I could have kept going, but I didn't want too. There were a lot of great Comic Book movies this year. I really liked Pacific Rim, Riddick, Star Trek: Into Darkness, Grudge Match, Elysium & Bad Grandpa. Just to name a few.
Awhile ago, I stopped being so judgmental about movies, because I've never made one, so who am I to be so damned critical. The critics seem to be biased against popcorn movies and are too lenient towards the artsy fartsy movies. Although, I've always listened to your opinion, because I think we think the sort of the same way about movies. And to Roger Ebert, because to my knowledge, he was the only critic to write a movie, albeit a horrible movie, a movie nonetheless.
Oh, this was Judd Harris, by the way.
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