Friday, March 19, 2021

Vampires vs. the Bronx - Movie Review

Starring Jaden Michael, Gerald Jones III, Gregory Diaz IV, Sarah Gadon, Method Man, Shea Whigham, Coco Jones and Chris Redd.
Directed by Oz Rodriguez.


This low-budget indie is like 2020's answer to The Monster Squad. Three pubescent friends discover that vampires have moved into their neighborhood but how do you convince everyone else of a such a ludicrous reality?

There are some funny set pieces, some predictable jump scares, and the ambition of Act 3 only highlights how low their budget had to be. Some recognizable faces are sprinkled in (Alias Grace's Gadon, Joker's Whigham, SNL's Redd, a Zoe Saldana cameo, etc.)

It's 89% on RottenTomatoes, but I think it's really more of a 70% quality. I'd be interested in what teens think of it.

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