Starring Michael Douglas, Mary-Louise Parker, Jenna Fischer, Susan Sarandon, Jesse Eisenberg, Danny DeVito, Imogen Poots, Richard Schiff, David Costabile and Ben Shenkman.
Directed by Brian Koppelman & David Levien.
I don't know what happened to Michael Douglas. He lost his way somewhere back there and found himself having to take forgettable supporting roles in movies like You Me & Dupree, Ghosts of Girlfriends Past and Beyond A Reasonable Doubt. But between this and Wall Street 2 he seems back on the right track.
He plays a total cad here, a man who learns he might be dying and so throws his life away by cheating on his wife and being dishonest at his business. He hits on college girls, thinking he's still debonaire enough that it'll work. Douglas is great at playing scumbags we still kinda hope will get redeemed. It's his best performance (and role) in years.
My only problem was the ambiguous ending. I just hope he's able to recover from throat cancer, that Wall Street 2 is good, and that he can keep working.
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